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JoKeR JoKeR#0229
. or mention or custom
Joker has more than 90 administrative, api based, funny, informative and random commands. Moreover, many commands are customizable.
Owner: SEB Prefix: . or mention or custom


The bot has the standard commands but of course also special ones like randominvites to servers, rejoinroles (on server rejoin the members will get their old roles back), seeing deleted messages, getting the "picture of the day" sent every day, twisting words as well as returning words in emojis, translating texts into languages, saving messages of others by a reaction, checking if a website is up and what ping it is and a lot more! Just try out the help command and discover the bot ...

Of course the bot asks for a lot permissions but if you dont want that the bot get sth just uncheck it. Later when you use a command wich would require the unchecked permission the bot will tell you.


You are missing a command or want it get developed? Or do you have anything to ask?
Of course you are allowed to join the support server or message me privately, where you can get in contact with me. - SEB#3606