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InviteManager InviteManager#0165
While this bot is on the server, it tracks every invite that happens on the server also analyses who was invited by whom.
Owner: Alan Prefix: i-m!

This is our main bot from InviteManager Team. While this bot is on the server, it tracks every invite that happens on the server also analyses who was invited by whom. This allows it to detect fake invites and see who is trying to cheat the invite system. With these invites, it can build leaderboards and draw graphs. The brand new moderation system allows people to auto-moderate many things. In short, this bot gives out โ€œstrikesโ€ to people who misbehave, and after a certain amount of strikes, the user receives a punishment. All of this is configurable by the user. Strikes are points that users get for violating server rules. Every time the user receives a strike, he gets a personal message telling him how many strikes he has and why he got them. When a user reaches a certain amount of strikes, he will receive a punishment. Violations are auto-moderation rules that people can enable or disable on the server. Currently, the following violations exist: invites, links, words, allCaps, duplicateText, quickMessages, mentionUsers, mentionRoles, emojis. The auto-role system can let people get roles by invite counts, or reacting to specific messages with specific emojis.