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Kasumi Kasumi#9056
The best music bot you could ever use! With amazing audio quality and unique music filters, Kasumi is the perfect music bot for your server.

The best music bot you could ever use! With amazing audio quality, Kasumi is the perfect music bot for your server. With 10+ HD music filters, 34 Music Stations and reaction commands now!


&ping - Checks the ping of the bot.

&help - Gets the list of all the commands.

&about - Sends the information about the owner of Kasumi.

&invite - Gets a permanent invite link of the bot.

&loop - Plays the the song on loop.

&lyrics (ly) - Gets the lyrics of the current song playing.

&np - Shows you the current song playing.

&pause - Pauses the current song playing.

&play (p) - Searches for a song from youtube.

&queue (q) - Shows the queue of the songs playing.

&remove - Removes the song from the queue.

&resume - Resumes the song.

&shuffle - Shuffles the playlist.

&skip - Skip to the next song.

&skipto - Skip to a specific song form the queue.

&stop - Stops the bot and ends the queue.

&volume - Changes the volume of the current song that is playing.

&uptime - Returns the uptime of the bot.

&vote - Sends the link to vote for


Try the new audio filters on your music!

● &filter 8D

● &filter normalizer

● &filter bassboost

● &filter vaporwave

● &filter nightcore

● &filter vibrato

And many more!

Check the bot’s wesbite out by clicking here.