Bot icon
InviteManagement InviteManagement#9732
The InviteManagement bot allows you to see who invited people that have joined your server. Meeting all of your mod and moderation needs!


The InviteManagement bot does exactly what it says on the tin! It allows you to manage members of your guild by looking at their invites.

For support join our Discord server here

Alternatively you can message the bot to open a ticket.

IMPORTANT: Due to the way Discord handles invites the bot will only start tracking invites once it is added to a server.

Invite the bot here.

Invite Commands

;invitesettings Lists settings for the bot
;invitetop Lists the top inviters of the guild
;invites [username or @user] Lists the number of invites of given user.
;resetinvites [username] Resets the invites of a specific given user. (If no parameter is given, it will reset all of the guilds invites.
;settings Lists all of the configureable settings for the Invitemanagement Bot


;purge [amount] Deletes number of messages


;ping Checks the bots ping
;poll [channel] [message] Sends a message in specified channel and adds reactions to allow people to give feedback to the poll.
;announce [channel] [message] Sends an announcement message in specified channel


Simply invite the InviteManagement bot to your server. Once done, you will have to make sure it has the `MANAGE_GUILD` permission. This permission is required so that it can fetch the invite codes and gather the information required to display it in the commands above.


This is a list of frequently asked questions

What is the bots prefix?

The bots current default prefix is ; This can be changed through the ;settings command

How do I setup welcome messages?

To setup welcome messages watch this video

How do I get help?

For more support please join our support discord here: