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MediaForge MediaForge#5871
A powerful Discord bot for editing and creating videos, images, GIFs, and more!


A Discord bot for editing and creating videos, images, GIFs, and more!

MediaForge is a general purpose media editing tool mainly for meme creation, inspired by Essem’s esmBot.


This is the current list of commands at the time of writing, many more will be added in the future!


  • $bottomcaption: Captions underneath media.
  • $breakingnews: Create a fake “Breaking News” screencap.
  • $caption: Captions media.
  • $eminem: Eminem says something below your media.
  • $esmcaption: Captions media in the style of Essem’s esmBot.
  • $freezemotivate: Ends video with a freeze frame from $motivate.
  • $freezemotivateaudio: Ends video with a freeze frame from $motivate with custom audio.
  • $meme: Captions media in the style of top text + bottom text memes.
  • $motivate: Captions media in the style of demotivational posters.
  • $petergriffin: Peter Griffin says something below your media.
  • $snapchatcaption: Captions media in the style of the classic Snapchat caption.
  • $stuff: Captions media in the style of the “i’m stuff” meme
  • $stuffstretch: Alternate version of $stuff where RDJ stretches
  • $tenorcap: Captions media in the style of tenor.
  • $twittercaption: Captions media in the style of a Twitter screenshot.
  • $twittercaptiondark: Captions media in the style of a dark mode Twitter screenshot.
  • $whispercaption: Captions media in the style of the confession website Whisper.


  • $add: Adds the pixel values of the second video to the first.
  • $addaudio: Adds audio to media.
  • $autotune: Autotunes media.
  • $compressv: Makes videos terrible quality.
  • $concatv: Makes one video file play right after another.
  • $corrupt: Intentionally glitches media
  • $deepfry: Applies several filters to the input media to make it appear “deep fried” in the style of deep fried memes.
  • $fps: Changes the FPS of media.
  • $gifloop: Changes the amount of times a gif loops
  • $hstack: Stacks 2 videos horizontally
  • $hue: Change the hue of media.
  • $invert: Inverts colors of media
  • $jpeg: Makes media into a low quality jpeg
  • $magick: Apply imagemagick’s liquid/content aware scale to an image.
  • $mute: alias for $volume 0
  • $overlay: Overlays the second input over the first
  • $pitch: Changes pitch of audio
  • $random: Shuffles the frames of a video around.
  • $reencode: Re-encodes media.
  • $repost: Reposts media as-is.
  • $resize: Resizes an image.
  • $reverse: Reverses media.
  • $rotate: Rotates and/or flips media
  • $roundcorners: Round corners of media
  • $speed: Changes the speed of media.
  • $square: Pads media into a square shape.
  • $squish: makes media twice as tall
  • $tint: Tint media to a color.
  • $trim: Trims media.
  • $vibrato: Applies a “wavy pitch”/vibrato effect to audio.
  • $videoloop: Loops a video
  • $volume: Changes the volume of media.
  • $vstack: Stacks 2 videos horizontally
  • $wide: makes media twice as wide


  • $emojiurl: Sends the raw image for a custom Discord emoji.
  • $icon: Grabs the icon url of a Discord user or server.
  • $rename: Renames media.
  • $spoiler: Spoilers media.
  • $tenorgif: Sends the GIF url for a tenor gif.
  • $toapng: Converts a video or gif to an animated png.
  • $toaudio: Converts a video to only audio.
  • $togif: Converts a video to a GIF.
  • $topng: Converts media to PNG
  • $tovideo: Converts a GIF to a video.
  • $twemoji: Sends the twemoji image for an emoji.
  • $videodl: Downloads a web hosted video from sites like youtube.


  • $donaldtweet: Makes a fake Donald Trump tweet.
  • $eminemsay: Eminem says something.
  • $givemeyourphone: Overlays an image over the hand of the boy in the “give me your phone” meme.
  • $imagecaption: An image of your choice says something below another image.
  • $imagecaptionleft: like $imagecaption but the image is on the left.
  • $imagesay: An image of your choice says something.
  • $jermatext: Cut and slice the popular Jerma sus meme to any message
  • $trollface: Colors a trollface with an image.


  • $about: Lists important links related to MediaForge such as the official server.
  • $addemoji: Adds a file as an emoji to a server.
  • $addsticker: Adds a file as a sticker to a server. Both MediaForge and the command caller must have the Manage Emojis
  • $attributions: Lists most libraries and programs this bot uses.
  • $bpm: Detects bpm of media.
  • $feedback: Give feedback for the bot.
  • $ffmpegversion: Shows version information of FFmpeg running on this copy.
  • $help: Shows help on bot commands.
  • $info: Provides info on a media file.
  • $ping: Pong!
  • $prefix: Changes the bot’s prefix for this guild.
  • $privacy: Shows MediaForge’s privacy policy
  • $setbanner: Sets a file as the server banner.
  • $setservericon: Sets a file as the server icon.
  • $shards: Displays info about bot shards
  • $stats: Displays some stats about what the bot is currently doing.
  • $version: Shows information on how this copy of MediaForge compares to the latest code on github.