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Zenitsu Zenitsu#1298
Haii!!This is a fun Discord Multipurpose bot (Zenitsu). It got 625+ commands/features .(Command you name it zenitsu have it!).Invite Zenitsu Now!!

Zenitsu is a Multipurpose Discord Bot with over 625+ commands/features Zenitsu Provide amazing commands which are easy to use. You name any command Zenitsu Have it, so invite Me now

-Introducing Zenitsu Setup command

  1. Ticket System
  2. Ranking System
  3. Join to Create
  4. AI-CHAT System
  5. Counter Chat System
  6. Member Counter Channel
  7. Reaction Role System
  8. Logger 9:Application System

( _setup) (_applicationsetup)

-Utility Commands

-Music Commands

-Music Filters Commands

-Question Commands

-Emotions Commands

-Fun Commands

-Emotions Commands

-Sfw Commands

-Moderation Commands

-Image manipulation Commands

-Game Commands Commands

-Economy Commands Commands

-Backup Commands

-Nsfw Commands

-Soundboard Commands

-Setup Commands

-Logo Generator Command

-Ticket Command

Help Menu Prefix: _ use the Prefix infront of EACH command, to use it correctly!

-Utility Commands: advanceembed, advancemembercounter, announce, avatar, botinfo, badge, calculate, cursive, embed , info , poll , qr , say , sc , serverinfo , firstmessage , giveaway , findemoji , math , oldest , pixelate ,setsuggest ,websay ,sleeptimer ,timer ,translate ,urban,userinfo,websay ,wikipedia

-Music Commands addrelated, autoplay, botplaylist, clearqueue, custom, forward, grab, join, jump, loop, lyrics, moveme, mycustom, nowplaying, pause, play, playsc, playskip, queue, radio, removetrack, replay, resume, rewind, search, searchrelated, searchsc, shuffle, skip, status, stop, queue, volume

-Music Filters Commands 8d, bassboost, clear, earrape, echo, flanger, gate, haas, heavybass, karaoke, lightbass, mcompand, nightcore, phaser, pulsator, purebass, reverse, subboost, surrounding, treble, tremolo, vaporwave, vibrato

-Question Commands compliment , dare , iq , love , nvr , paranoia , simp , wyr , roast , quotes , truth , textflip , chat

-Fun Commands 8ball, abandon, affect, airpods, amazeme, america, animesearch, armor, ascii, beautiful, bed, blur, brazzers, burn, byemom, cancer, changemymind, circle, clyde, communism, convolute, corporate, covid, cry, dab, delete, disability, distracted, door, draw25, egg, emergencymeeting, excuseme, facepalm, facts, failure, fakenews, flip, floor, fuse, gif, godwhy, howgey, hitler, invert, ipad, iphonex, jail, joke, keepdistance, meme, note, numfact, obama, ohno, pepesign, phub, ppsize, random, ratewaifu, remind, rip, roblox, satan, shit, stroke, trash, trigger, tweet, violence, walking, wanted, wasted, weather, whodidthis, youtube

-Emotions Commands: baka, cuddle, dance, feed, hug, kiss, pat, poke, slap, smug, tickle, wink

-Sfw Commands animalears, birds, bears, birb, bunny, catext, catfact, cat, clapgif, dog, dogfact, fact, ferrets, foxgirl, gecg, goose, hamster, holo, kemonomimi, kaomoji, lizard, neko, owoify, huggif, nekogif, panda, pokemon, puuh, slapgif, seal, , shibe, wallpaper, waifu

-Moderation Command add-these, ban, channelinfo , createchat , createvc , disablemodlogchannel, disablemuterole , disablexp , hackban , kick , lock , lockdown , mute , purge , roleadd , roledel , rolememberinfo , setmodlogchannel , setmuterole, setnick , setxp , slowmode , svr , unbanall , undeafen , unlock , unmute , userinvites , vcmove , warn

-Image manipulation: applestore, captcha, dislike, drake, enlarge, gay, grab, gun, hack, hearts, like, missioncomplete, randomavatar, realtweet, scary, shame, simpimage, smartcat, speed, stonks, spank, supreme, ticklegif, tobecontinued, thomas, trump, playstore, wideavatar

-Game command choose, hangman, randomnumber, rockpaperscissors, slots, snake, soccer, tictactoe, trivia

-Economy command balance, buy, daily, deposit, dice, inventory, moneyleaderboard, profile, rob, store, withdraw, work

-Backup Command info-backup, backup-load, backup-create

-Nsfw Commands 60+ commands Just type _helpznsfw to see it

-Soundboard Commands abdi, ahshit, araara, bhau, bruh, disconnected, fart, game-over, giggle, ha-gay, hellomf, honk, john-cena, laugh, magic, margayamc, moin-meister, nani, oioi, oioioi, onichan, pew-pew, ph-intro, quack-quack, rickroll, sheesh, silly-fart, surprisemf, uwu, verpissdich, wow

-Setup Command addbotchat , adddjrole, reset, removedj, prefix , removebotchat

-Logo Generator Commands

anaglyphopera, angrycat,angrywolf,arcade, beautybright, berserkbear, blackbear, bluebear, bluecat, bluegamefire, bluelion, bluetiger, cloudsearch, crowngame, dancelogo, disco, firehawkgaming, firelion, flame, funmark, gamingcat, glitchgaming, greenangrycheetah, greenpython, handphotography, hipstergaming, hipsterwolf, hivegaming, hoodstrangeman, horror, infantryhelmet, instaglitch, japaneseretro, matrix, modernmusic, neongamer, ninjamask, oceanic, orangebear, panthershield, pinkghoul, pirateskull, pubgman, purpledragon, rainbowmusic, reddragon, redwarrior, robot, sabertooth, samurai, scarybunny, scarybunny, skullwing , skate, spaceship, spartanhelmet, spartanmascot , spiderman, techgradient, techshield, techtree, tigerflame, twitch, vinylmusic, wolfgaming, wrestler

-Ticket Commands

addticket, close, delete, new, open, remove, t-add, t-close, t-delete, t-new, t-open, t-remove, transcript

-Website: hurry up and invite Zenitsu