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Pine Pine#4262
Pine can delete unwanted/spam messages to and from bots outside of the spam channel And can also generate sentences based on your sentences.

Clean channels: No one likes unwanted messages in general like telling the music bot to play a song in the middle of a conversation. With Pine you can set up a bot channel and the bots you add will be restricted to it. Now whenever someone tries to use them in another channel it will be deleted. (This only applies to the bots you want it to.)

Text generation: Pine can generate sentences based on your sentences. After adding a sentence Pine will react to it. After you gave it a few sentences (the more the better, English works the best) just type the p talk command and Pine will say a sentence based on your sentences.

How to use:

Clean channels:

(works with any discord bot)

First create a channel for bot commands. In that channel send bot, and the as tag of a bot you want to restrict like this:

bot, ExampleBot#1234 (don’t forget the comma in this command)

Then add the commands for that bot with the “p add” command like this: p add !exampleCommand

you need to add the commands one by one.

If you want to restrict more bots to that channel: (you need to send this to the bot channel)

bot, SecondExaplebot#1234 Add their commands too with p add.

Done! Now outside of the bot channel when someone sends a command to these bots or if a bot tries to send a message it will be deleted.

Text generation:

First you will need to add a few sentences. When adding sentences you need to use the ; prefix before your sentence like this: ;I like dogs.

the more sentences you add the better the generation will be.

Pine will react with a light bulb. To make Pine say a random sentence based on your sentences: p talk

Other commands:

Help: p help

To see Pine’s settings on your server: p serverinfo

To delete all the sentences from the text generation: p cleartext

Stop restricting bots to one channel: p clearbots

To stop restricting commands (to completely stop you need to use p clearbots too.)

p clearcommands