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Simple Simple#2352
Custom Library
A simple bot with simple but cool features! Basic Mod commands and more like Ticket System!

A simple bot with simple but cool features!

An easy to use bot for everyone and for every server! For example:

  • You want to moderate your server? Easy! Use !?kick, !?ban or if you just want to warn then !?warn.
  • Like dogs? Or cats? Maybe bears? Just use !?dog, !?cat, !?bear and more fun to play with! Check out the fun commands with !?help-fun!
  • Are you a Queen fan?! No way! Me too! Hit !?play and listen to it! Check out the music commands with !?help-music!
  • You can find the other features by typing !?help!
  • More and more feature will come to the bot! Interested? Then invite the bot and join to the support server for more info!