Slate is a simple yet powerful bot that lets you watch YouTube Together, log ghost pings, play music, and dozens of more features!
What are Discord Activities?
Activities are a new in-development voice channel feature, including YouTube Together which allows everyone in a call to queue up videos and interact with them together!
How do I start a YouTube Together session?
After you’ve invited Slate to your server, simply use the ;activity
in a voice channel to start using Activities!
Key Features
allow you to start certain Discord Activities sessions in voice channels.;logs
lets you turn on logging for ghost pings, potentially obscene statuses, nickname changes, and more!;play
let you play and see queued music in the background in voice channels and Spotify links and playlists work too!;userinfo
looks up information like past usernames and nicknames about people in your server.;lb
let you observe server activity with an XP system!
… use ;help
to try dozens more!