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X-Bot X-Bot#0703
X-Bot makes it easy to share and view your Xbox gameclips, screenshots, stats, playtime, achievements and much more within Discord!


help | !help Sends a list of commands

invite | !invite Sends an invite link to add X-Bot to your server

vote | !vote Sends a link to vote X-Bot on

ping | !ping Ping/Pong command

suggest | !suggest <suggestion> Sends a suggestion to the developer

setprefix | !setprefix <prefix> Sets your default prefix

setgt | !setgt <gamertag | current> Saves your gamertag to the X-Bot DB so you can use xbox commands without entering your gamertag every time.

lastplayed | !lastplayed <gamertag> Shows your last played xbox games

whoson | !whoson [add | remove <gamertag>] Allows you to save Xbox profiles to a list and see their current Xbox status and activity

xachievement | !xachievement <gamertag> Xbox achievement command

xavatar | !xavatar <gamertag> Displays your xbox avatar picture.

xboxgc | !xboxgc <gamertag> Shows a random gameclip of yours if it has been uploaded or a specfic one if you give it a number.

xboxss | !xboxss <gamertag> Shows a random screenshot of yours if it has been uploaded or a specfic one if you give it a number.

xgamercard | !xgamercard <gamertag> Creates your very own xbox gamercard.

xplaytime | !xplaytime <gamertag> Find an accounts playtime for most Xbox titles

xstats | !xstats <gamertag> See your stats for most Xbox titles

xstatus | !xstatus shows you the current status of the Xbox services.

notifications | !notifications <here|remove> Sets the current channel to recieve live Xbox status notifications