![Bot icon](https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/795952530735104010/29470c3655b4f74d4b207cef84da1779.png?size=512)
LoneWolf : The all-in-one discord bot
LoneWolf is a multipurpose discord bot that contains all the necessary features which make it suitable for a community server.
Vibe to your favourite music using the music player
Premium lock is a thing of the past… Enjoy 192 bitrate audio streaming with many premium features
Auto moderation
Auto moderation features allows you to keep the mass under control while you take over the world… ;)
Auto moderation features include : nicklog rolelog Message delete log, message update log, auto role, auto kick etc.
Info commands:
Obtain the general information about the bot, server and users.
It includes infos like : bot info , user info , server info, server staffs, user perms, bot uptime etc.
Note : The bot uptime resets every 24h. This does not mean the bot is offline. Will be fixed in the next update
Fun commands:
Want to know someone’s iq or you want to yeet someone to space? Well you can using the fun commands.
Commands include rps, iq, hack, eject, joke, meme, 8ball, roll, trivia, say and many more
Music commands
Includes commands that are premium like Volume control and move options fully unlocked.
Music commands : play , pause , stop, move , volume , lyrics , skip , skipto and many more
Contains all the required features to completely run your server off of.
Includes commands like warn, kick, ban, softban, slowmode, setnick, purgebot etc.
Yet to come…
Game commands: With the introduction of discord buttons, game making has been at all time high. The bot is soon to be updated with games like rps, tictactoe, blackjack, findthewords and fast type.
All these features make LoneWolf the perfect bot for your discord server. :)