After its success as a bot on Twitter (@editvideob0t), EditVideoBot has come to Discord! This means you can now edit your videos on both platforms!
EditVideoBot can do many things, from adding different styles of text to your media, adding music from YouTube to the audio, and over 50 other commands!
The full list of EditVideoBot’s commands can be found here: https://pigeonburger.xyz/editvideobot/commands
So, once you’ve found some cool-sounding commands, you’re ready to edit! Here’s how:
First, type /edit or $edit, and then include the commands that you’d like specified on the list above!
For example, if you wanted to add top and bottom text to an image, and add the song “Despacito” over it, your command would look like:
/edit tt=this is top text, bt=this is bottom text, music=Despacito
And within a couple of seconds, EditVideoBot will reply!
For any questions, bug reports, other support or just to meet some nice people, join the official EditVideoBot Discord Server! :D
I’m a 15 year-old developer, and I’m able to keep this project running through donations. These donations go directly into improving my server hardware, allowing EditVideoBot to become faster and more efficient!
If you’d like to donate, I accept your contributions at https://gofund.me/f0400055. If you donate, let me know and I’ll remove EditVideoBot’s command cooldown for you!
I can be contacted at pigeonburger#6006.