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Enliven (Old) Enliven (Old)#5499
Enliven Dev
Fully free Discord bot with Embed music playback, emoji control, various music sources (including livestreams) and more. Includes best functionality for logging message changes.


What does this bot do?

Enliven is a free Discord bot designed for logging and playing music.

How to use it?

The default prefix for all commands is & by default. Set a custom server prefix with the setprefix command!
To find out all available commands use help.
Information about a specific command or group of commands can be found through help {command/group name}.


You can order tracks from direct link, YouTube, SoundCloud, YandexMusic and many other services.
You can control playback through emojis and using commands. You can create and order your own playlists and much more.
List of music commands - help music.


The bot collects a detailed history and can display all message changes in one place. If necessary, export the log to the image.
Changes to messages do not clog the log channel, instead the entire history is exported when the message is deleted.
To control logging use logging command WARNING: by default, messages will not be logged.


You can change the bot response language with language.
Help us improve localization at our GitLab.

Additional info

help {command} - to print a description of the command and its arguments.
setchannel - to assign a role to channels (Without this, logging will not send reports when a message is deleted. When you set the channel for music, embed playback will automatically appear only there).
setprefix - to change the bot prefix.
stats and userstats - to view statistics.
invite - to receive bot’s invitation link.
vote - lists voting links. Help us by voting.

Hidden opportunities

Commands that are not intended for mass use, have not yet been tested, or have not yet been completed. They should work, but use at your own risk.
limitmusiccommands - in order to prohibit the execution of music commands on any channel other than that designated for music.
printwelcome - displays a message similar to what the bot writes when connecting to the server.
saveplaylist - exports the player’s queue to a playlist that can be used later. Attention: in the near future it is planned to redesign the storage system for playlists, and expand this function. At the same time, if you created a lot of playlists, some of them can be deleted..


If you find an error or you have an idea - open issue or create Merge Request on our GitLab!

What is the difference between loadplaylist, addplaylist and runplaylist?

addplaylist - Adds playlist content to track list.
runplaylist - Adds the contents of the playlist to the track list and goes to the track specified in the playlist (If there is one).
loadplaylist - Replaces a track list with a playlist.