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Chess Bot Chess Bot#6762
Chess Bot is a bot that can play chess with you. You can challenge the bot with $challenge and move with $move. Use $help for more commands.

Chess Bot

README for version 2.1.0

Chess Bot is a discord bot that plays chess. It also has a built-in elo rating system.

Chess Bot support server




Basic Mechanics

You can use the command $challenge to challenge the bot to a game of chess.

Use $move to make a move. Make sure your move is in SAN (Standard Algebraic Notation) or UCI (Universal Chess Interface). Otherwise, the bot will not understand it.

Use $view to view your game.

Chess Bot profiles

You can challenge multiple levels of the bot. Make sure to specify which level you want to play when using the $challenge command.

Use the $profiles command to see a list of all levels you can challenge, and use $profile <tag> to learn more about a specific bot. Note: the tag of a bot is not the same as it’s name. For example, the tag of the bot “Chess Bot level 1” is cb1.

Chess Bot uses a custom built engine to determine which moves it plays. (It’s not very good though, because I built it, and I’m bad at coding).


To prevent people from abandoning a the game without loss of rating, you will automatically resign if you do not make a move for 3 days.

You will receive a low time warning when you only have 1 day left.

Use $time to see how much time you have left.



  • challenge: Challenges Chess Bot to a game.

  • move [move]: Plays [move] against the computer.

  • resign: Resigns the game.

  • view: Views your current game.

  • time: Sends how much time you have left.

  • profiles: Sends a list of which profiles you can challenge.

  • fen: Sends current game in FEN format.


These commands require special permissions.

  • prefix [prefix]: Makes or changes the server’s server specific prefix. Must have administrator permission in the server.


  • botinfo: Sends basic info and stats about the bot

  • ping: Sends “Pong!” and gives latency

  • rating: Tells you your rating

  • leaderboard: Shows top rated players

  • rank: Shows your rank out of all rated players

  • help: Sends a message with all of the commands

  • theme: Change your board theme

  • vote: Gifts you 5 rating points after voting for Chess Bot on

  • stats: Sends your stats.

To get more information about any command, use $help <command>