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PollBotPlus PollBotPlus#8533
/ or @PollBotPlus
Make beautiful polls on Discord.
Owner: some1chan Prefix: / or @PollBotPlus

Make Beautiful Polls on Discord.

Meet PollBotPlus, a Discord poll bot refined for the power user, who cares about how their polls look.

Poll with the question 'Anime's Real, Right?' with Real or Not Real as options

Elegance through Power.

Using PollBotPlus’s powerful command system, users can design polls to their liking.

  • Limit users to vote for one choice, or allow voting for multiple
  • Make timed polls, which lets a poll automatically close itself
  • Change when results are shown; always or when polls end
  • Anonymous polls will hide which users voted for what choice
  • Semi-anonymous polls only let some users view who voted for what choice

Poll with the question 'When should we do movie night?' with 7 PM, 8 PM, and 9 PM as options

…or through simplicity…

Ask a quick question with /poll-simple.

Simple poll with the question 'Do you like pancakes?' with a thumbs up, thumbs down, and a shrug emoji reaction

Simple poll with the question 'Cats or dogs?' with a cat and dog emoji reaction

…or invisibility.

Have PollBotPlus add reactions to your messages! Conveniently add letter options, number options, or the emojis that are in your message.

Right-click, or tap and hold a message. Then, select Apps > Add Reactions.

Discord user asking 'What's your favorite fruit?' with various fruits as reactions

Add PollBotPlus to Your Server!