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Eggbot Eggbot#7429
Custom Library
Fun and Moderating commands can be found in Eggbot, moderate a server while you and the other members have moments of fun with Eggbot's Fun and Moderating commands can be found in Eggbot
  • Commands of Eggbot -

-egg, this command tells you about Eggbot

-iloveeggs, if you love eggs, please write this command

-helpegg, this command tells you some commands to you to understand better the use of the bot

-commandlist, this command will put all the commands that the bot has

-invite, this command will send a link to a page were you can join Eggbot to discord servers

-theprohibitedcommand, just don’t

-pleasefreenitro, if you want free discord nitro, use this command, obviously is real

-bread, bread

-8eggball, This command needs you to ask a question, Eggbot will respond to you with different answers, ( -8eggball < question > ).

-divineimage, this command will show you an image of the eggs

-sendm, this command will copy the message that you write, (-sendm < Hi everyone > ). You need to put the command on the channel that you want it to appear., this command will send a link to a website that is relate to the divine oval white thing

-uselessinfo, if you want to know information that you don’t need and will not use for your life… This is your command :)

-thiscommanddoesntexist, this command doesn’t exist, is useless and dumb

-rateegg, this command will rate the thing that you show to him ( -rateegg < question/thing > )

-randomnumber, if you want a random number between 0-400, use this command. Thanks for your attention

-scanuser, this command will make that Eggbot scan you to tell you what percentage of what things you are

-50chance, this command will say yes or no to the question that you made to Eggbot, it has 50% chance to get yes and no, ( -50chance < Question > )

-ytegg, this command will put you the link for the youtube channel of Eggbot

-obama, obama p i c t u r e

-kill this command will kill the user that you want. ( -kill < User > )

-biden, joe biden P I C T U R E

-putin, vladimirputinpicturE

-amlo, picture

-textimage, this command will copy the text that you write, But with an image.

-rip, this command will make a grave to the pinged person ( -rip < user > ) ( you can also put just -rip, and you can put a message to appear on the grave )

-say, this command will copy the text that you say, but with other format

-howstupid, this command will calculate how stupid you are

-howgay, this command will determine how gay you are

-howuseless, this command will say how useless you are

-howugly, this command will say the truth about your looking… Maybe…

-painchart, this command will make you express your pain in a table by reactions

-chayanne, chayanne

-howweird, this command will say how weird you are un real life

-motivational, this command will try to motivate you in your life with phrases and sentences that will not motivate you

-spolier, Message; Copy; Spolier


-asdfghjkl, jssiwikwdkdowoq0dwjds8su__siwkw9w9wkwieiwkwi__

  • Commands for Moderators -

-clearchat, this command will delete messages, you need to provide the number of messages that you want to delete -kickuser, this command will kick the user that you ping ( -kickuser < user > ). -banuser, this command will ban the user that you ping (-banuser < user > ) -changenickname, this command will change the nickname of the user pinnged, you need to write the new name that you want… ( - changenickname @user < new name > ) -deletechannel, this command will delete the channel that you want, to make it work you will need to put the ID of the channel, ( -deletechannel < Channel ID > ). If you need the ID of the channel, write the command and Eggbot will give you the channel ID -createtxtchannel, this command will create you Channels automaticly, you just need to put the name of the channel that you want to create, ( -createtxtchannel < Name > ) -createvoicechannel, this command will create a voice channel automaticly, you just need to put the name of the channel that you want to create, ( -createvoicechannel < Name > ) -createrole, this command will create a role for your server, ( - createrole < name > ) -sendembed, this command will send a message that you want in embed form. The embed messages are those that are used in all the help of Eggbot -poll, this command will create a poll with the message that you want, ( -poll < message > ) -modmsg, this command works the same as -sendm, But you will be able to ping persons