(NEW) We have slash commands!!!
Bogsy’s Dice bot is a dice assistant with named modifiers and quickrolls. If you’re playing tabletop games with dice on discord, you can define quickrolls and modifiers to make rolling easier. Here’s an example:
.WIS = +4 .Level = 9 .Expert = +4
.perception = d20+WIS+Level+Expert
Then you can roll a perception check like this:
and the bot responds like this:
Perception = 1d20 {12} + WIS {4} + Level {9} + Expert {4} = ✨ 29 ✨
When your Level modifier changes, just update it and all rolls that use Level will update.
How to Talk to the Bot
The bot responds to slash commands, DMs, replies, and mentions. You can also talk to it with a command prefix. It’s dot (.) by default. Here’s an example: ‘.3d6+2d8-5’ You can use two dots (..) if you like a more verbose output
How to Roll Dice (/roll)
Use a dice string like this: ‘3d6+2d8-5’
Dice String: Special Instructions
‘:dl#’ drops the lowest ‘#’ dice ‘:dh#’ drops the highest ‘#’ dice ‘:rr#’ rerolls any die less than ‘#’ ‘:min#’ changes any roll less than ‘#’ to ‘#’ ‘:c#’ marks any d20 roll of ‘#’ or higher as a crit Here’s an example: ‘8d6:min2 + 3d8:rr4 + 6’
Dice String: Advantage and Disadvantage Tags
Add ‘.adv’ or ‘.dis’ or both Tags must be added at the end of the dice string Here’s an example: ‘d20+5-d4.adv’
Dice String: Multiplying Tags
Add ‘.x2’ to double the result (or .x# to multiply by #) Add ‘.x2d’ to roll the dice twice (or .x#d to roll the dice # times) Tags must be added at the end of the dice string Here’s an example: ‘d8+4+3d6.x2’
Dice String: Success or Failure
Add ‘>= #’ or ‘<= #’ after the dice string and tags Here’s an example: ‘d8+4+3d6.x2 >= 10’
Named Modifiers (/modifier)
‘str=-2’ creates a new modifer called ‘str’ Use it in a roll, like this: ‘d20+str+3’
Quickrolls (/quickroll)
‘attack=d20+str’ creates a new quickroll called ‘attack’ Use it in a roll, like this: ‘attack’ You can add tags, like this: ‘.attack.x2.adv’ You can combine quickrolls and named modifiers in a dice string like this: ‘sword_damage + sneak_attack + d8.x2’
Managing Quickrolls and Named Modifiers (/list, /delete)
Use ‘list’ to list them all (The pushpins indicate server-wide modifiers and quickrolls) Delete by assigning nothing like this: ‘str=’ Modify by reassigning like this: ‘str=+3’ Add a more descriptive name in quotes like this: ‘pr=d20+wis “Perception”‘
Dice String: Powered by the Apocalypse
Use the alias ‘awroll’ in a dicestring for ‘2d6’ rolls. You’ll get an emoji for success, partial success, or failure. Use it like this: ‘awroll’, or ‘awroll+2’, ‘awroll+sharp’ Use it in a quickroll: ‘attack=awroll+str’
Managing Your Bling (/bling, /bling_reset)
Say ‘mybling ___’ to change your bling Say ‘mybling’ on its own to reset your bling. Here’s an example: ‘mybling ❤️’
Other Stuff (/get, /web, /contact, /announcements)
Use ‘get’ to add Bogsy’s Dice Bot to your server Use ‘web’ to roll dice on the web Use ‘contact’ to get in touch. Use ‘stats’ to get some stats. Use ‘unsubscribe’ or ‘subscribe’ to manage news and announcements
Server: Modifiers and Quickrolls (/modifier, /quickroll, /delete)
These commands are for server owners only. Use ‘srvr:’ for server-wide modifiers and quickrolls. Examples: ‘srvr:mod=5’, ‘srvr:roll=d20+d4+mod’, ‘srvr:roll=’ (to delete) Users access them normally: ‘roll’, ‘roll+5’, etc.
Server: Command Prefix
These commands are for server owners only. Say ‘prefix _’ to change the command prefix on your server When you DM the bot, the prefix is always dot (.)
Server: Default Bling (/bling, /bling_reset)
These commands are for server owners only. Say ‘bling ___’ to change the default bling on your server Say ‘bling’ on its own to reset the default to ✨