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Percy Percy#5623
Percy gives your server's boosters (& members) their own customizable roles, that can be customized with a command.


Percy is a Discord bot that gives your server’s boosters (& members) their own customizable roles, that can be customized with a command.


Sounds cool! How do I use it?

Percy is extremely easy to setup and use. Simply invite the bot to your server, and make sure that Percy has the Manage Roles permission and that Percy’s top role is above any of your boosters (or anyone else who would be using the bot). After that, Percy should start working. You can customize your role by using /role rename and /role recolor.

I’ve done all that, but how do I give some non-boosters the ability to use Percy?

To give members who aren’t boosting the ability to use Percy, Give them a role that is named “Customizing Permit”

I have some boosters who I don’t want to be able to have a custom role…

You can give people who you don’t want using Percy a role named “Cease Customizing” and that will prevent them from getting a role, or making any further changes to their current one.

My role name keeps getting denied for having profanity?

Percy has a built-in profanity filter that seems to get false-positives every so often. The profanity filter will be possible to disable in a future update.


/role rename Rename your custom role. Accepts strings under 100 characters.

/role recolor Recolor your custom role. Accepts HEX, such as #a000e7.