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Paimon Paimon#7500
A Genshin Impact Discord Bot to look up weapons, artifacts and characters with more features coming soon!

Paimon - A Genshin Impact Discord Bot

Use Paimon to look up weapons, artifacts and characters and filter them!

Paimon will look up your requested entry and will show it to you. If Paimon finds more than one entry which matches your filters it will display a list of which you can choose from just by reacting to the message!

Weapon filters include:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Rarity (Stars)
  • ATK Damage
  • How to Obtain
  • Secondary Stat Type (ATK, DEF etc.)
  • Secondary Stat Value (e.g. ATK 15%)
  • Passive

Example: !weapons type=Bow; rarity=4

Paimon then will list all weapons which are bows and have 4 stars.

Artifact filters include:

  • Name
  • Artifact Set
  • Type
  • How to Obtain
  • Bonus (1-Piece / 2-Piece / 4-Piece Bonus)
  • Rarity (Stars)

Example: !artifacts type=Flower Of Life; bonus=HP;

Paimon then will list all artifacts which are Flowers Of Life and grant a HP bonus through their 1/2/4 piece bonus.

Character filters include:

  • Name
  • Rarity
  • Element
  • Weapon
  • Sex
  • Nation

Example: !characters element=Anemo; weapon=Sword;

Paimon then will list all characters who have a vision of type Anemo (Air) and use a sword.

More features coming soon!