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Autumn Bot Autumn Bot#9748
Autumn is a multipurpose bot with a number of fearures providing you to manage your community easily. It has its default prefix as - and with the power of high speed responses it can help you with you

Autumn is a multipurpose bot with many features including(Utility, Security, Moderation, Setup Roles, Fun, Giveaways, Welcomer and much more. :D

➤・Security commands: ~ antinuke, unwhitelist, whitelist, whitelistreset, wlisted ➤・Moderation Commands: ~ ban, hide, hideall, kick, list, lock, lockall, mute, nuke, prefix, purge, role, roleicon, unban, unbanall, unhide, unhideall, unlock, unlockall, unmute, vcdeafen, vckick, vclist, vcmute, vcundeafen, vcunmute

➤・Utility Commands: ~ addemoji, afk, avatar, banner, boostcount, calculator, channelinfo, embed, emojiinfo, emojilist, firstmsg, github, help, invite, membercount, ping, pokedex, profile, roleinfo, serverbanner, servericon, serverinfo, setboost, stats, support, translate, uptime, userinfo, vote

➤・Image Commands: ~ 3000-years, ad, affect, approved, beautiful, blur, bobross, brighten, burn, challenger, confusedstonk, darken, delete, dexter, distort, facepalm, greyscale, halloween, hitler, invert, jail, jokeoverhead, karaba, kyon-gun, notstonk, pixelate, putin, rainbow, rejected, rip, sepia, sharpen, shit, stonk, tattoo, thomas, threshold, thuglife, to-be-continued, trash, wanted, wasted, worthless

➤・Fun Commands: ~ akinator, ascii, rockpaperscissor, tictactoe ➤・Giveaway Commands: ~ gend, glist, greroll, gstart ➤・Welcomer Commands: ~ welcome, welcomechannel, welcomemessage, welcomereset, welcometest