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Emobotji Emobotji#4971
A Text-to-Emoji Bot for Discord. Emobotji lets you use emotes you don't have by using "text-to-emoji" even without Nitro.


A Text-to-Emoji Bot for Discord. :yeah:

Emobotji lets you use emojis you don’t have by using “text-to-emoji” even without Nitro. Once you’ve found an name of emoji you’d like to use, just send it as if you were sending a regular Discord emoji (e.g. :hueh:). It will be detected if there is such a bot.

Command List:

Command Name Description
e!help [<command>] Shows an embed of help and command list.
e!ping Shows an embed with bot latency.
e!stat Shows bot's statistics.
e!invite Sends bot invite link in chat.
e!support Sends discord support server invite link in chat.
e!list [<page>] Shows an embed with Discord Buttons of bot emoji list.
e!search <word> Finds an emoji(s) with matching word in name and shows an embed with Discord Buttons.
e!info <name> Shows an embed about of emoji, who are uploaded, when been uploaded, etc.
e!big <name> Posts image of emoji.

Emoji Managment:

Command Name Description
e!add <name> <emoji> Adds custom emoji to bot for further using like :kekw:
e!add-from-url <name> <url> Same as e!add but adds from URL with Image.
e!mark-nsfw <name> Marks your emoji as NSFW usage only If you not want to use in non-NSFW channels.
e!rename <old_name> <new_name> Renames your emoji to new name. Useful fixing typos in name.
e!delete <name> Deletes your emoji forever from bot.