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BetterNotes BetterNotes#2318
BetterNotes is the better way to instantly take, edit and share notes with anyone on Discord. Access your notes from anywhere.


The bot built for one job: to make note taking and sharing even more powerful


Create, edit, and share notes with anyone on discord


prefix: n To create multiple work note titles, use ""

nnew [title] [content]:

Creates a new note with [title] and [content] ex: nnew "my note" This note title has 2 words! ex: nnew note1 This is note title has only 1

nread [title]

Opens the note with [title]

ndelete [title]

Deletes the note with [title] Only the note owner can do this

nedit [title]

Provides the edit menu to edit a note 3 options:

  • editing: Add new content
  • replacing: Replace lines or words
  • removing: Remove lines or words


List all the notes you have access to

nshare [title] [@user1 @user2 ...]

Shares the note with [title] to all users mentioned Notes which are shared can be edited by all Only the note owner can do this

nremove [title] [@user1 @user2 ...]

Removes access of note with [title] to all users mentioned Only the note owner can do this

ninfo [title]

Displays information about a note The owner, who it is shared to, and the time of last edit Only the note owner can do this


Displays helpful information (basically this)

Something is not working!

I want to use this privately

Use the commands in the direct message channel with the bot. All commands are still supported.

My notes are not showing

If you set your notes to too many characters, discord will not be able to show an embed with that many. Try to limit large blocks of text (>2000 characters) to multiple notes.

For some reason the bot is not working

If the bot is not working, try reinviting it with this link

I want to save a file

Saving files currently is not supported. There are no plans for this as you can just as easily save a note with the fileโ€™s url.


Because this is an embed, all normal discord markdown is supported. read more [text](link) can be used to apply the link to the text.

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