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ClashVerse ClashVerse#7389
Slash commands ( / )
Roshan Dash
Clan and War stats, ZapQuake combos, Trader item occurrences, and more with in-game like image based responses for Clash of Clans!
Owner: Roshan Dash Prefix: Slash commands ( / )

Pretty and Functional. Bring elegance to your Clash of Clans discord server with the ClashVerse bot. Feature-rich with in-game like image based responses! Use /clashverse command to get started after inviting the bot.

Super Troops

Find who among your clan mates have any particular super troop active currently. Just type a command and select the super troop from a list.

ZapQuake Combos

Find ZapQuake combos to take down any level hero or defense with the least spell space possible. Higher level clan castle spells and heroes under warden aura supported too.

Trader Cycle

Save your current day trader items once and find the next occurrence of any magic item in your daily deals, whenever you want. Want a reminder? The bot can do that too!

Clan Stats

Get the town hall composition of your clan with average heroes, pets, trophies, war stars, attacks, and donations of individual town hall levels.

War Scoreboard

Get various stats of an ongoing regular or league war like total stars, destruction, attacks used, best attacks distribution, and time remaining with a link to view detailed opponent war log analysis on CocPit.

And Much More!

Your friendly villager women is now on discord to help you use the ClashVerse bot. Create cool embeds for your server rules and announcements with button roles to have your members get the role they want themselves.

Visit ClashVerse Site