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Cryptogram Cryptogram#4076
~slash commands~
Cryptogram game bot. Free tier: 500 puzzles, paid tier: 1500 + custom quotes. To get started, give it a channel to use, and run /start-game
Owner: KeylAmi Prefix: ~slash commands~

Command to get started: /start-game or, just ping the bot for the help command.

Cryptograms are text based games. Every letter in the alphabet is substituted for another. This is not a shift encryption. It’s a random encryption. So as an example: “prbbw” may be “hello”.

Cryptogram is played using text. By telling the game what letter(s) you want replaced, followed by the letter(s) you want to replace them with. The goal is to completely decrypt the quote, by submitting all the correct letters.

Letter/Word Input: Letters/Words are input using /partial. For example, if you think the letter ‘q’ in the cypher is actually the letter ‘a’, then the should be input:

/partial cipher:q partial:a (this places an ‘a’ everywhere a ‘q’ is in the cipher)

or, for a whole word/sentence:

/partial cipher:blrr partial:tree (this places ‘t’, ‘r’, ‘e’ everywhere there is a ‘b’, ‘l’, or ‘r’ respectively) To start a game: To start a game, run /puzzle Game Modes (Casual) Public, Private, and Co-op. (Competitive) Timed

Private is started by running the starting commands in a DM. The others, in a normal channel. (To run co-op games, the bot needs thread permissions. public, send msg, and manage.)

Competitive is played by someone with “Manage Channels” permission using the /config to select the appropriate options. (To start the competitive mode, ‘Dual’ or ‘Competitve’ must be selected, and a channel must be specified in /config) Competitive mode only allows whole answer input using /answer full-answer:place_the_whole_answer_here Lastly, for competitive game tracking, you can use /game-stats in the competitive to see how you rank in the server.

Misc Checks are free to use, but there is a timeout. Hints, you get one free one, before the game no longer counts to your “completed” total. To check your stats, run /my-game-stats.

This is an actively updated bot, and the dev is open to user suggestions. The paid tier is not implemented yet.

Have a good time, and see ya around! :)