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šŸ›” ScamProtect šŸ›” ScamProtect#0581
Scamprotect is a Security Bot protecting your server from unwanted links (Phishing/Viruses/Token Grabbing) and unwanted users (Alt accounts/JoinBots/DMBots)



Scamprotect is a Security Bot protecting your server from unwanted links (Phishing/Viruses/Token Grabbing) and unwanted users (Alt accounts/JoinBots/DMBots)

  • Anti-alt System: Detect alts accounts that join your server with the Captcha protection
  • Anti-bot System: Protect your server from joinbots and DMbots (Mass-DM) with the Captcha protection
  • Anti-VPN System: Prevent users from using VPNs and Proxies
  • Anti-Phishing System: Block unwanted links like Phishing and Viruses
  • Kick accounts that were created recently (Configurable age requirement)
  • Multiple languages supported!

How captcha Works - Full Video =>


  • /help Shows a list of available commands
  • /info Gives information about the bot
  • /report report_user Send a user report to the moderation team (āŒ› 1 minute)
  • /report report_link Send a link report to the moderation team (āŒ› 1 minute)
  • /support Displays the support server
  • /invite Displays the botā€™s invite link
  • /stats Displays the botā€™s statistics
  • /userinfo Display informations about yourself or another User in the server
  • /get_link_info Get information about a link in the database

šŸ”Ø MODERATION COMMANDS (Required Permissions: Ban members)

  • /panel Display the protection panel of the server
  • /members_scan Scans the entire member list (āŒ› 15 minutes)
  • /scam_scan Scans all the channels to find scam links (āŒ› 60 minutes)
  • /whitelist Adds/Removes a user from the whitelist
  • /getalts Check Userā€™s alternative accounts (šŸ“›)
  • /ban_user_alts Ban a user and all of his registered alternative accounts (šŸ“›)
  • /kick_recent_accounts Kicks all users below the configured required age
  • /kick_unverified_accounts Kicks all users without the verified role
  • /give_unverified_role Gives the unverified role to users that donā€™t have the verified role

šŸ”§ ADMINISTRATION COMMANDS (Required Permissions: Administrator)

  • /config view See the botā€™s current configuration
  • /config toggle_scam_protection Enables/Disables the scam/phishing link protection
  • /config toggle_scam_ai Enables/Disables the ScamAI protection
  • /config toggle_global_blacklist Enables/Disables the Blacklist protection
  • /config toggle_age_requirement Enables/Disables the kicking of recent accounts
  • /config toggle_deletion_message Enable/Disable sending a message after a link is deleted from the chat
  • /config toggle_ghostping_logs Enable/Disable logging potential Ghostpings
  • /config set_age_required Set the minimum required age an account needs to join the server
  • /config change_language Change the language of the bot
  • /config set_protection Change the punishment when a link is sent
  • /config set_logs_channel Sets the logs channel
  • /config remove_logs_channel Removes the logs channel
  • /mentions Add/Remove a role that will be mentioned when a suspicious link is detected (max 5 roles)
  • /exempted_channels Add/Remove/List Exempted Channels
  • /moderator_roles Add/Remove/List Moderator roles
  • /automod invite_block Manage Scamprotectā€™s ā€œInvite Blockingā€ rule
  • /automod shortener_block Manage Scamprotectā€™s ā€œShortener Domains Blockingā€ rule
  • /custom_links ā­ Scamprotect+ Only: Add/Remove/List Custom Whitelisted/Blacklisted links

šŸ” CAPTCHA COMMANDS (Required Permissions: Administrator)

  • /setup_captcha Setup the captcha system easily
  • /captcha set_captcha_channel Set the captcha channel
  • /captcha remove_captcha_channel Removes the logs channel
  • /captcha manage_captcha_message Configure the captcha message
  • /captcha set_verified_role Set the role given when users verifies themselves
  • /captcha set_unverified_role Set the role given to users when they join the server without being verified
  • /captcha remove_verified_role Removes the verified captcha role
  • /captcha remove_unverified_role Removes the unverified captcha role
  • /captcha toggle_captcha_kick Enable/Disable kicking account who have not been verified until a given time
  • /captcha toggle_alts_kick Enable/Disable kicking alts account
  • /captcha set_captcha_kick_delay Set the number of minutes before kicking non-verified account