Bot icon
R.O.T.I R.O.T.I#4309
r! or /
The ultimate bot for your server. A multipurpose bot packed with features !
Owner: unknown Prefix: r! or /

R.O.T.I stands for

Reach Out The Imagination is a ultimate bot for your server which focuses on moderation, fun, and utility. You don’t need a lot of bots for your server. ROTI is a one click solution for all of your needs. To get started with our bot use /help or r!help. Our default prefix is r! (Customizable) and most of our commands are slash based.


Roti Automod

Roti Configuration

Roti Core

Roti Fun

Roti Giveaway

Roti Highlight

Roti Log

Roti Mini Games

Roti Misc

Roti Moderation

Roti Role

Roti Suggestion

Roti Tags & Triggers

Roti Thread

Roti Ticket

Roti Utility

CATEGORIES DESCRIPTION RotiAutomod: Helps you to automate your server’s moderation.

Roti Configuration: Includes channel Link & Media only config, starboard, welcome,server prefix and more !

Roti Core: Includes basic commands like Invite, Bot ping, Report, Bot uptime.

Roti Fun: A fun module which includes many interesting commands which you must try for sure.

Roti Giveaway: Responsible for giveaway management in your server.

Roti Highlight: A useful command which sends you a direct message when a user uses a highlighted word in a specific server.

Roti Log: Generate logs whenever a event happens in your server.

Roti Mini Games: Includes some mini games which you can play with your friends.

Roti Misc: Includes some useful commands like, avatar & banner (user,server), define, lookup, github repository, server/member info and more !

Roti Moderation: Helps you to moderate your server in a very easy way.

Roti Role: Includes role assign,delete,create, temporary role, reaction,button,select roles etc.

Roti Suggestion: Helps you to get suggestions from users for your server or anything.

Roti Tags & Triggers: Helps you to create, edit, delete, view etc. tags and triggers.

Roti Thread: Helps you to create, archive, unarchive, delete, lock, unlock threads from just a command.

Roti Ticket: Helps you to create a help panel that your community members can use for their queries or issues. We made your help desk system a lot easier.

Roti Utility: Includes some basic commands like afk, note, remind, embed, announce etc. which helps you to customize your server in a more better way.

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