A multi-purpose discord.js-based discord bot with many features.
Spicy is a fun multipurpose discord bot with many features that is 100% free. To get started, use /help to see a list of commands. Here are the categories:
๐ง Moderation
ban, changechannelregion, kick, lock, purge, role, timeout, unban, unlock, warn-remove, warn, warns
๐ Animal Facts
birdfact, catfact, dogfact, foxfact, koalafact, pandafact
๐ต Animal Images
bird, cat, dog, fox, kangaroo, koala, panda, raccoon, redpanda
๐ Anime
searchanime, waifu
๐ Fun
8ball, dadjoke, flipcoin, gayrate, gif, hack, insult, joke, meme, pokemon, pp, ship
๐ฎ Games
2048, akinator, hangman, minesweeper, snake, tictactoe, wouldyourather
๐ Giveaway
โ Misc
afk, avatar, botinfo, covid, discriminator, help, invite, nick, ping, serverinfo, summon, userinfo, vote
And many more features coming soon!