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Champ Champ#2266
Champ is a multi-purpose bot with 220+ commands such as Fun, Utility, Games, Music,Logging, AFK, Welcomer, Autoroles, Tickets, Moderation etc.

A multi-purpose bot with over 220+ commands such as Moderation, Music, Fun, Games, Utility, Logging, Tickets, Welcomer,Autoroles, AFK, Reminder and many more.

Only bot you’ll ever need in your discord server!

It has commands such as:

➜ Utility: AFK, Snipe, Reminder, Serverinfo, Userinfo, Roleinfo, Channelinfo, Firstmessage, Advance Embed Maker and many more.

➜ Moderation: Kick, Ban, Unban, Mute, Unmute, Purge, Massrole and many more…..

➜ Music: join, leave, play, pause, resume, skip, skip all, stop, shuffle, volume, nowplaying, loop, queue.

➜ Logging: logging channel, logging enable, logging disable and many more…

➜ Games: Typerace, Guessthecountry, Wordhunt, Pokemon, Minesweeper, Gobblet and many more.

➜ Welcome: welcome, welcome enable, welcome image, welcome off, welcome message, welcome disable, welcome test, welcome thumbnail, welcome embed, welcome channel, welcome autodelete

➜ Autorole: autorole, autorole remove, autorole remove bots, autorole remove humans, autorole add, autorole add bots, autorole add humans, autorole enable, autorole show, autorole disable

➜ Tickets: ticket, ticket disable, ticket close, ticket transcript, ticket rename, ticket addm, ticket config, ticket setup, ticket remm

If you’re facing any problems in any of Champ’s commands, feel free to join our Support Server :-