Bot commands!
How to use this bot:
Use dog.command
to use a command.
Most commands also need you to put an argument after the command, such as dog.user @Doggie
You will know which arguments to put in a command by looking at its command signature!
<user> - User is a required argument
[user] - User is an optional argument
<users...> - You can specify more than one user
[amount=100] - Amount is optional, and 100 is the default
̶c̶o̶m̶m̶a̶n̶d - You can't run this command
help - [command]: Shows this bot’s commands, if a command is specified then info for that command is shown!
Information commands:
server: Lists info for the current guild
user - [user]: Shows information about the user specified, if no user specified then it returns info for invoker
avatar - [user]: Shows user’s avatar using their ID or name
invite - <invite>: Shows info for an invite using a invite URL or its code
channel - <channel>: Shows info for the channel specified using channel mention or ID
role - <role>: Shows info for the role specified using role mention or ID
emote - <emoji>: Shows info of emote using the emote ID or emote itself
token - <token>: Shows info of an account/bot token! (Don’t use valid tokens in public servers!)
message - <message>: Gets information for a Discord Message!
color - <color>: Gets info for a color! You can specify a member, role, or color.
whois - <domain>: Does a WHOIS lookup on a domain!
wikipedia - <search>: Looks up Wikipedia articles by their title!
Moderation commands:
ban - <users>… [reason]: Ban members who broke the rules! You can specify multiple members in one command.
unban - <users>… [reason]: Unban banned users with their User ID, you can specify multiple people to be unbanned.
softban - <members>… [reason]: Bans then unbans the specified users, which deletes their recent messages and ‘kicks’ them.
kick - <members>… [reason]: Kick members who broke the rules! You can specify multiple members in one command.
rename - [members]… <nickname>: Renames users to a specified name
mute - [members]… [reason=No reason specified]: Gives the configured mute role to members!
unmute - [members]… [reason=No reason specified]: Removes the configured mute role from members!
purge - [users]… [amount=20]: Deletes multiple messages from the current channel, you can specify users that it will delete messages from.
asciify - [members]…: Replace weird unicode letters in nicknames with normal ASCII text!
snipe - [channel] [user]: Shows recent deleted messages! You can specify an user to get deleted messages from.
Reminder commands:
remind - <duration> [channel] <reminder>: Add a reminder to be sent to you or a channel after a specified duration!
reminders: Shows your active reminders that you made!
cancel - <reminder_id>: Cancels and deletes a reminder using its ID!
Misc commands:
info: Shows information for the bot!
suggest - <suggestion>: Send a suggestion or bug report to the bot owner!
source - [command]: Look at the code of this bot!
Game commands:
minecraft - <account>: Gets info of minecraft accounts using current username or their UUID
osu - <subcommand>: Gets info for osu! accounts and beatmaps!
Utility commands:
recentjoins: Shows the most recent joins in the current server
selfbot - [users]…: Creates a fake Nitro giveaway to catch a selfbot (Automated user accounts which auto-react to giveaways)
hoisters - <subcommand>: Shows a list of members who have names made to ‘hoist’ themselves to the top of the member list!
steal - [emotes]…: Adds the specified emotes to your server!
newacc: Shows the newest accounts in this server!
poll - [timeout=600] <question> [options…]: Makes a poll that anyone can vote on! Use quotes to separate multi-word question and options
Images commands:
invert - [image]: Inverts the colors of a specified image!
greyscale - [image]: Greyscale the specified image!
deepfry - [image]: Deepfry the specified image!
blur - [image] [strength=5]: Blurs the specified image!
noise - [image] [strength=50]: Adds noise to specified image! Strength should be in between 0 and 100
brighten - [image] [strength=1.25]: Brightens specified image! Passing in an strength less than 1 will darken it instead
contrast - [image] [strength=1.25]: Adds contrast to specified image! Passing in an strength less than 1 will lower it instead
rotate - [image] [angle=90]: Rotates an image! Positive number for clockwise, negative for counter-clockwise
pride - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the pride rainbow to image!
gay - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the gay rainbow to image!
transgender - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the transgender flag to image!
bisexual - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the bisexual flag to image!
lesbian - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the lesbian flag to image!
asexual - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the asexual flag to image!
pansexual - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the pansexual flag to image!
nonbinary - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the non-binary flag to image!
gnc - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the gender nonconforming flag to image!
aromantic - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the aromantic flag to image!
genderqueer - [image] [transparency=50]: Adds the genderqueer flag to image!
Configuration commands:
config - <subcommand>: Shows the current configuration for this server!
logging - <flags>…: Sets the log channels for this server! help logging
for help with flags format
Random commands:
random - <subcommand>: Commands that choose something random!
unsplash - <subcommand>: Commands that have to do with the Unsplash API!
fox: Gets a random fox from
duck: Gets a random duck from
dog: Gets a random dog from
hug - [user]: Get picture of furries hugging, because why not?
boop - [user]: Get picture of furries booping eachother, because why not?
hold - [user]: Get picture of furries holding eachother, because why not?
kiss - [user]: Get picture of furries kissing, because why not?
lick - [user]: Get picture of furries licking eachother, because why not?