A Discord bot for playing Wordle.
You can
- Play in a channel to show other members your skill
- Play in DM so that nobody sees you fail
- Play a multiplayer game where everybody guesses the same word.
- Play a custom game where you get to decide the word others need to guess.
- Play with multiple languages and different word lengths
It also has
- Leaderboards! Both global and server-wide.
- Personal stats! See how many games you’ve played and such.
A mod can use /channel action:add
in the channels where members should be allowed to play. As long as no channels are added all channels are available.
How to play
Start a game
Start a game with /play
. You can choose with which word length and language you want to play. Feel free to request a language to be added in the support server if it’s not in the list yet.
Currently the supported languages are
- English
- Dutch
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Portuguese
- Italian
After you started a game you can make a guess with /guess
. If you’re playing in DM, you can simply type the word. No command needed.
⬛ This letter does not appear in the word.
🟨 This letter does appear in the word but is not on the right location.
🟩 This letter does appear in the word and is on the right location.
And as is with Wordle you get 6 attempts to guess the word.
You can start a multiplayer game with /play multiplayer:true
. An invite message with a button will appear. Everyone clicking the button will have to solve the same word in DM, and the results will automatically be posted in the channel where the invite was sent.
Custom Multiplayer
You can start a custom multiplayer game with /custom
. With a custom multiplayer game you get to decide the word that everyone needs to guess. This can be from the featured languages, as well as non-existing words using the Custom category. In the case of the latter you also get the freedom to choose a word with a length of 3 to 18. Players will also be able to use non-existing words to guess. This allows you to have players guess stuff like movie characters, Pokémon, names of server members, or just some cryptic gibberish.
You get a leaderboard with /top
. There are 4 types of leader boards.
Solve count
Win ratio
Lowest average guess count
Longest solve streak
Each combination of word length and language has its own leaderboard, en you can get these leaderboards on a server scale and on a global scale.
You can use /stats
to see your personal stats.
Singleplayer in DM