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Choco Choco#7023
Custom Library
A cool little utility bot for Discord, with tags, QR codes, ASCII art and more!


A cool little utility bot for Discord, with tags, QR codes, ASCII art and more!

  • Tags To create a tag, use the /tag create command, and to view it, use /tag view Tags are valid across guilds, so for instance if you create a tag called “example” in Guild A, it’ll only work in Guild A. Tags are deletable by the tag’s author or the server owner.
  • Maths Use /calculate to calculate an equation, and /prime to get the nth prime.
  • QR Codes Choco allows you to encode QR codes like a lot of bots, but you can also decode them right from Discord! Try scanning this one with /qr decode! QR Code example
  • Urban Dictionary/Wikipedia You can lookup a Urban Dictionary/Wikipedia page, but you can also get a random one!
  • ASCII art Generate some ASCII art from your text. ASCII art example
  • Miscellaneous /unsplash, /snowflake, /fact, /color and more!