This Discord bot will confidently delete almost all profane messages.
The bot features multiple slash commands available to server members with the “Manage Messages” permission, some of which include word and channel whitelists, a blacklist, and an on/off command.
The blacklist contains hundreds of profanities ranging from very common to very vulgar, and the bot will immediately delete messages containing them unless they are in the whitelist. The whitelist contains several words that contain profanities but are not considered offensive, such as “class,” “peacock,” and “tycoon.” If a message contains whitelisted words, those words are excluded from parsing, thus the whitelist supersedes the blacklist. Furthermore, the bot is capable of deleting offensive leetspeak.
The channel whitelist command allows a channel to be exempt from the bot’s filtering, given that a channel ID is used instead of a channel name (two channels can share the same name). While it is possible to restrict the bot from certain channels using built-in Discord roles, this command makes the process much easier.
All lists are fully customizable, with actions such as add, remove, and reset.
Lastly, two commands are available to all server users, which are the “help” and “suggestion” commands, the former being occasionally updated with the bot’s newest updates and the latter allowing users to send suggestions which I receive and implement as quickly as possible.