MLB Game Feed
MLB Game Feed#8554
This bot allows you to view the live play-by-plays for any MLB.com game. This attempts to mimic gameday
To get started, add the bot to your server. Next, wait for a game to be active, finally, type /startgame
to see active Major League games.
Supported Message Types:
- Score Changes
- Game Advisories (Injury Delay, Pitching changes, etc)
- Inning Changes
/startgame [game]
- Starts a game. Select a game from the list, but any gamePk is acceptable. You can grab this from sites like https://mlb.chew.pw to show minor league games. If no games show up, there are no active Major League games./stopgame
- Stops the currently running game./score
- Shows you the current score privately./setinfo
- A command to show specific info as a Voice Channel name.
Running /startgame
does not memorize the game, you will have to start it every time a game starts!